topi bertali untuk anak-anak dan wanita bahasa Inggris
- topi: cap; hat; hats; hood; topi; topi, topee; topper;
- bertali: entwine; interlace; enlace; lace; twine;
- untuk: behoof; for; for it to be; in order to be; left
- anak-anak: children; little ones; young ones; tyke; kid;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- wanita: fair sex; female; gentle sex; ladies; lady;
- wanita dan anak-anak dahulu: women and children first
- topi wanita bertali di dagu: poke bonnet
- islam dan anak-anak: islam and children
- yesus dan anak-anak: teaching of jesus about little children
- anime dan manga anak-anak: children's anime and manga
- perubahan iklim dan anak-anak: climate change and children
- anak baptis wanita: goddaughter; godchild
- pakaian tidur anak&wanita: nightie; nightdress; night-shirt; nightshirt; nightgown
- anak: brat; child; offspring; step; baby; junior; kid; progeny; young; ego’s offspring; greenhorn; descendant; lass; fella; tike; guardienne; younker; nipper; pup; stopple; mawther; any child; nephew or n